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Denis Drolet
June 7, 1943 - April 28, 2017
Denis John Drolet, 73, passed away peacefully in Ottawa on April 28th, 2017 after a courageous battle with cancer. He leaves behind three devoted children: Lisa, Angela and Christopher. The eldest of eight siblings, Denis is survived by: Sue, Donna, Darlene, Sharon, Carol and brother Bob and was predeceased by his brother, Ricky.
Denis was a kind man who devoted his life to his family and especially his three children and to his four grandchildren, Shelby, Scott, Logan and Zachary. He loved kids and always made them feel special with lots of presents for birthdays and holidays and taking them on adventures to Storyland, the Ex, or just for a trip to a chip truck for some fries or ice cream. Denis always enjoyed swimming and taking his kids and grandkids to swim at the local pools and beaches all around the Ottawa Valley.
He loved taking pictures and even had a darkroom set up in his basement for several years so he could develop his own photos. At home, he loved to tinker in the garden which flourished under his gentle touch and dedication.
Discovering the internet in recent years, he was able to further feed his fascination with history, (especially military history in Canada and the U.S.) and enjoyed reading about it as well as visiting museums and sites like Old Fort Henry in Kingston and Upper Canada Village in Morrisburg.
You were a true gentleman will be missed.
Denis was a kind man who devoted his life to his family and especially his three children and to his four grandchildren, Shelby, Scott, Logan and Zachary. He loved kids and always made them feel special with lots of presents for birthdays and holidays and taking them on adventures to Storyland, the Ex, or just for a trip to a chip truck for some fries or ice cream. Denis always enjoyed swimming and taking his kids and grandkids to swim at the local pools and beaches all around the Ottawa Valley.
He loved taking pictures and even had a darkroom set up in his basement for several years so he could develop his own photos. At home, he loved to tinker in the garden which flourished under his gentle touch and dedication.
Discovering the internet in recent years, he was able to further feed his fascination with history, (especially military history in Canada and the U.S.) and enjoyed reading about it as well as visiting museums and sites like Old Fort Henry in Kingston and Upper Canada Village in Morrisburg.
You were a true gentleman will be missed.